
About the Himeji Castle is ideal

[bogo] This is the castle was touted as the beautiful Himeji Castle in Japan. About the name of the white Fort Himeji Castle is also known as shirasagi Castle, in ruins of a castle in Japan are particularly popular tourist attractions. How…


[bogo] 姬路城是日本一个美丽的城。 白色城堡的名字 姬路城在别名是白鹭城和好的日本的城址,但是特别是受欢迎的旅游景点。 "白鹭城"被甚至去"hakurojo""shirasagijo",哪个读法。 反正是像那个名表示那样白色,美丽的城。 在现代留下来的平山城的代表 作为…